Friday, August 12, 2011

One piano, four hands

For a few years in the 1980s and the early 1990s my husband and I drove up to Interlochen, Michigan, every August. We stayed for a week on Green Lake, in a cabin owned by the Interlochen Center for the Arts. Every summer they offer an Adult Chamber Music Camp, and for about seven years we went to that. I would attend the classes, concerts, and seminars, and he would fish for the little yellow perch in Green Lake, since he was not actually a big fan of classical music.

Several of those summers my older sister Wanda went, too. This snapshot is one my daughter took of us, playing a piano duet, on the grand piano that sat on a stage in one of the school's auditoriums. We'd all arrived early for one of the classes and decided to have fun posing for a photo or two.

And we actually did play some duets together, also, which was even more fun.

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